Flying Club Insurance
Do you currently belong to a flying club? If not, are you considering it? No matter how big or small your club is, we can help. Our aviation insurance companies can help provide flying club insurance for club members.
Ease of access to aviation is a priority for Travers & Associates. We can help place flying club insurance policies with the major aviation insurance companies in the industry.
Affordability is the most common reason to start a flying club. The cost of owning and maintaining your own aircraft can be expensive. Flying clubs are frequently member owned and operated organizations, which means that membership-related expenses are incurred for the benefit of members, rather than for financial gain. In addition to monthly dues and hourly flying fees, most clubs also charge a membership fee to join. Typically, dues and fees are used to pay for administrative expenses, insurance, tiedown/hangar use, and aircraft maintenance and repairs. The cost of owning and maintaining your own aircraft is reduced by flying club membership. No matter how many aircraft are involved, we can make it simple to handle your flying club insurance program.
Whether your flying club is brand new or already established, there are several elements to consider when selecting the ideal insurance plan for your organization. A few of those elements include:
- Type of aircraft (for example: experimental, light sport, or standard aircraft types; Rotor-Wing or Fixed-Wing; land, sea, or amphibious; sailplane or glider; Retractable or Fixed Gear).
- Number of club members (Active & Inactive). Pilot training and background. Ownership Types.
- Safety Requirements, Pilot Proficiency Standards, and Roster Management for Aircraft Maintenance.
- Flying club aircraft hull and liability insurance.
The atmosphere of the flying club inspires participants to continue working on their flying abilities and obtaining new ratings. Most flying clubs offer opportunities for more seasoned pilots to assist less experienced pilots. Additionally, it is typical for flying clubs to form connections with qualified instructors who assist with member training and instruction.
Flying has become a more social activity thanks to flying clubs, which foster a sense of community among pilots. A club will introduce you to a group of individuals who share your interests and enthusiasm for flying. We treat each Flying Club individually and professionally, and we will serve your Flying Club accordingly. Contact us for more flying club insurance information.