Commercial Aviation Insurance
Commercial aviation insurance is a crucial component in protecting your assets and your company. Commercial aviation insurance can help with aircraft damage and your liability exposure in the event of a covered claim.
Commercial aviation insurance coverage is available to help mitigate your risk as a commercial operator. A few examples of businesses included in the commercial aircraft industry are aircraft manufacturers, flight schools, agricultural aviators, air cargo, aircraft maintenance facilities and charter aircraft-on-demand services. Each operation needs specialized insurance to help with their specific aviation exposure. We can offer commercial aviation insurance through the major aviation insurance companies.
Commercial aviation insurance can provide hull insurance for the insured aircraft and liability insurance for damage to property and bodily injury outside of the aircraft. Coverage can be purchased for turboprop aircraft, jets, helicopters, small aircraft, experimental aircraft, and even drones. The hull value of the aircraft is a major factor considered when an underwriter is pricing the cost of commercial aviation insurance. The pilots flying the aircraft are generally considered the second most important factor. Also important is the level of liability insurance offered by the aviation insurance company.
FAA Part 135 Charter insurance is available for Charter operators. Policies for operations carrying cargo are generally less expensive to insure than charter operations flying people. Charter operators are held to a high standard. The aircraft are generally well maintained and the pilots train more extensively. Insurance rates reflect this higher level of safety.
Travers Aviation Insurance can help mitigate the risk commercial aircraft operators face. Our aviation insurance specialist agents can assist in addressing risk issues. Commercial aircraft operators have long been covered at competitive rates by Travers & Associates. Commercial aviation insurance can be placed by our aviation insurance specialists through the major aviation insurance companies. From the CFI training in a single aircraft to the largest airline fleet, we can help with commercial aviation risk at a reasonable price. A specialist is needed to help customers place policies and navigate the market for commercial aviation insurance.