Pay-By-The-Hour Coverage
The latest and most innovative type of coverage for commercial operators is the pay-by-the-hour program. Travers and Associates is pleased to offer this program that was specifically created to benefit the commercial aircraft operators in this challenging economy, allowing customers to pay for aviation insurance when they actually need it, by the flying hour. The program is underwritten through Phoenix Aviation Managers.
Travers and Associates is aware that flying hours down in many parts of the country, leaving commercial operators with less cash flow to pay the traditional premiums associated with operating flight schools, charter aircraft operations, flying clubs, rental operations and more. We understand that the fixed monthly premiums can make months of below-average flying hours very difficult.
Through the new pay-by-the-hour program, you pay an hourly rate for each hour the airplane flies (based on the Hobbs Meter). With a fixed monthly base rate, this program allows you to maintain cash flow and have your insurance costs directly correspond to revenue. Additionally, there is a cap in place that makes sure you only pay as much as you would have paid had you purchased the annual premium, no matter how many hours the airplane flies.
This program is made available through use of an online scheduling and aviation information management system. All flight hours are logged through an easy-to-use system that then emails automatically generated reports on a monthly basis to Travers and Associates for billing purposes – it’s that simple.
This is a no lose program for commercial operators and may in fact help to increase revenue and reduce workload.
Contact Travers & Associates today for more information about this innovative program.