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Disability Insurance for Pilots (Loss of Medical)

As a corporate or commercial pilot have you ever tried to find disability insurance?  In the past pilots have been told that they are “uninsurable” by many disability insurance companies. Most commercial pilots are told there are too many factors that could cause them to lose their medical. Too often pilots overlook disability insurance because they have been declined elsewhere.

Travers & Associates offers a disability insurance plan that will cover you in the event you lose your medical and are no longer able to fly. As most commercial pilots know corporate and commercial aviation has become a booming industry. Many corporate aviation companies want to attract the top pilots, but in most cases are unable to provide adequate disability insurance or no disability insurance at all. At Travers & Associates we can provide coverage for these risks in an easy to obtain plan.  

A recent example of a charter pilot that contacted us looking for Loss of medical disability coverage:

A corporate pilot flying Part-91 for his employer in a Cessna Citation contacted us after having issues obtaining a disability insurance policy designed for pilots. With a wife and children dependent on his income there was plenty to lose should he not be able to fly. Not many disability Carriers were able to consider this occupation, but at Travers & Associates we were able to provide him with a competitive quote that would pay a disability claim for a period of 5 years.

In addition to corporate pilots, we can also insure charter operators, agricultural aviators, Commercial Pilots, and Helicopter Pilots to name a few. 

Pilot disability coverage is also available for groups on a guaranteed issue basis.

Group Disability Insurance for Corporate Pilots

Finding a group disability insurance plan for pilots can be a challenge.  If you are a business owner or an employee give us a call to discuss your options for a Group disability insurance program. We can offer discounted group policies and have been able to offer disability insurance for pilot where others have failed. 

Why Purchase Disability Insurance (Loss of Medical)?

Disability insurance is one of the most overlooked insurance products.  If you lost your medical would your family be able to manage the day-to-day expenses with your lost wages. Pilots have a unique and specialized occupation that is like no other. There are a number of factors that can cause a professional pilot to lose his medical. Most of these factors would not be a cause for concern in many other occupations, however for pilots certain health issues could lead to a pilot losing his medical. A pilot disability insurance policy can provide income for as much as 5 years. A disability insurance policy will provide a monthly benefit with no income tax.   

If interested in receiving a quote for Disability Insurance / Loss of Medical, Click the "Click Here for a Quote" link above. Print out the application. Complete and Fax to Attention: Disability Insurance at 314-963-9105.

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